Discussion Forum
Network and share with other FSL Board Leads across the province in our secure discussion forum.
To create a topic or post a reply, please register here.
Forum Rules and Code of Conduct
This forum is a meeting place for FSL Board Leads to converse with each other on topics that are relevant to them in their roles as champions for FSL. Like all meeting places, there are a few guidelines to follow.
Respect. While posting to this forum is reserved for FSL Board Leads, it’s available for all to read. Be respectful to your fellows and those outside. Offensive, abusive, or hate speech, personal attacks, trolling, or releases of others’ personal information will not be tolerated and will result in post deletion and potential expulsion from the forum.
Responsibility. Transforming FSL is not responsible for what is posted on the forum. Board Leads are responsible and could be held accountable for anything they post to the forum.
Tidiness. Be mindful of the categories in this forum – there are a few – and post to the correct category so that it’s easy for others to find and follow the conversation.