Site Map
A Framework for French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools
A Framework for French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools
A Map for Supporting Student Pathways in FSL
Supporting Student Pathways
CEFR-inspired Classroom Practices
Co-planning Guided by Student Learning (Core French Elementary)
Modelling (Core French Elementary)
Shared and Guided Practice (Core French Elementary)
Independent Practices and Interviews (Core French Elementary)
Teacher Moderation for Learning (Core French Elementary)
Co-learning: The Action-Oriented Approach and the Task-Based Approach
Co-planning (Immersion, Secondary)
Observation - Oral Communication (Immersion, Secondary)
Observation - Integrating Oral Communication, Reading and Writing
CEFR: 10 Big Ideas
Plurilingualism and Pluriculturalism
The Action-Oriented Approach/Authentic Tasks
Communicative Language Competencies
Interaction/Language Conventions
A Positive Approach/Differentiation: The Needs of the Learner
Descriptive Feedback/Metacognition and Learner Autonomy
Impact de la perspective actionnelle
Exploring the CEFR
Shifting Perspectives
Part Two: A Brief Historical Perspective on Linguistic Duality in Canada
Part Three: A Look at Statistics
Part Five: Confidence, Competence, and Coherence
Part Six: Benefits of the CEFR
Part Seven: Reflecting on the Continuum of Language Learning
Part Eight: Courage, Creativity, and Persistence
Big Ideas
Differentiation: The Needs of the Learner
Communicative Language Competences
From Awareness to Action: Resources for Principals and Vice Principals
Issue 1 - A Framework for French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12
Issue 3 - Instructional Leadership within the FSL context
Issue 4 - Increasing Engagement in FSL at the School Level
Issue 5 - Supporting Conversations about Student Learning in FSL
Issue 6 - Supporting English Language Learners and Students who have Special Education Needs
Issue 7 - Pathways in French as a Second Language in Grades 8 to 12
Issue 8 - Supporting New Teachers of French as a Second Language
Issue 9 - De-streaming in the FSL Classroom
Issue 10 - Supporting FSL Teacher Language Proficiency in French
From Communicative to Action-Oriented: Illuminating the Approaches
From Communicative to Action-Oriented: A Research Pathway
From Communicative to Action-Oriented: Poster
From Communicative to Action-Oriented: Theory into Practice
Editable Lesson Planning Template
Interactive Lesson Plan: Grade 3 French Immersion
FSL Virtual Learning Series
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2020 - Early French Immersion Reading Intervention
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2020 - Inclusion in FSL Panel
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2020 - Supporting School Administrators
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2020 - Assessment Strategies
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2021: Equity & Inclusion
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2021: Use of Teacher Moderation
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2021: Benefits of the DELF
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2021: Remote Learning
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2022: Special Education Needs
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2022: FSL Teacher Advocacy
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2022: Building Competent and Engaged Readers in French Immersion
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2022: De-streaming in FSL
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2023: Cooperative Learning Strategies
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2023: Backwards Design to Support Language Comprehension in FSL
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2023: Promoting Oral Communication in CF Programs in FSL
Grammar in Action
Learning Cycles
Grammar In Action - Parler au téléphone
Including All Students in FSL
Webcast Series
Segment 2: A Review of Research and Provincial Data
Segment 3: Policies that Inform Decision Making
Segment 4: Creating Inclusive Environments Together
Presentation for Parents/Guardians
Research-Based Strategies
Planning Conversations
Including Students With Special Education Needs In French as a Second Language Programs
Les petits en maternelle
Intéragir avec l’environnement
Intéragir avec leurs pairs et les adultes
Communication verbale et non verbale
On est capable! On peut se parler en français et on aime ça!
Elementary FSL
Immersion & Extended French
Junior Intermediate Extended French – Grades 6 and 7
Junior Extended French – Grades 4 and 5
Intermediate Middle French Immersion – Grade 7
Junior Middle French Immersion – Grade 6
Intermediate Early French Immersion – Grades 7 and 8
Junior Early French Immersion – Grade 4
Primary Early French Immersion – Grades 1 and 2
Core & Intensive French
Junior Intensive French – Grade 5; Intermediate Post Intensive French – Grade 8
Intermediate Core French – Grades 7 and 8
Expert Voices
Instructional Coach, Secondary FSL
Secondary FSL
French Immersion
Secondary French Immersion – Grade 11
Core French
Secondary Core French – Grades 9, 10 and 11
Secondary Core French – Grade 9 Applied
Expert Voices
Other resources (external)
External Resources
Promising Inclusive Instructional Strategies for FSL Teachers (Nipissing-Parry Sound CDSB)
Effective Assessment Practices in FSL (Ottawa-Carleton DSB)
FSL Homework Toolbox (Rainbow DSB)
Supporting Students With Special Education Needs in French As a Second Language- A Parent Guide
Professional Learning Conversations
Assessment For/As Learning
Assessment For/As Learning Podcast
Assessment For/As Learning Presentation
Assessment For/As Learning Resource List
Supporting New FSL Teachers
Supporting New FSL Teachers Podcast
Supporting New FSL Teachers Presentation
Supporting New FSL Teachers Resource List
Improving Student Confidence
Improving Student Confidence and Proficiency in FSL Podcast
Improving Student Confidence and Proficiency in FSL Presentation
Improving Student Confidence and Proficiency in FSL Resource List
Welcoming ELL into FSL
Welcoming ELL into FSL Programs Podcast
Welcoming ELL into FSL Programs Presentation
Welcoming ELL into FSL Programs Resource List
Listening to Learn
Prologue: A Publication for Professional Conversations
Assessment for learning and Assessment as learning
Kindergarten in a French Immersion Setting
Building Language Skills through a Cross-Curricular Approach
Reflections of the FSL Provincial Principal Focus Group
1 - Setting the Context
Part A: Heightening Awareness of FSL Programs and Benefits
Part B: Instructional Leadership in the Context of FSL
Part C: Supporting All Students in FSL
Part D: The Framework for FSL as a Catalyst for Discussion
2 - Heightening Awareness of FSL Programs and Benefits
Part A: Practical Ideas to Increase the Profile of FSL in Schools
Part B: Parents and Communities as Partners in FSL
3 - Instructional Leadership in the Context of FSL
Part D: Professional Resources
4 - FSL Programs are for All Students
Part A: Levelling the Playing Field for All Students: The Introduction of a Second Language
Part B: English Language Learners in the Context of FSL
Part C: Individual Education Plans and the Role of the Principal
Samples of Student Oral and Written Production Based on CEFR Levels
Written Production Samples
Oral Production Samples
Student Proficiency and Confidence Pilot Project
Synopsis of Findings 2013-2014
Supporting Students in FSL
Principals & Vice Principals
Supporting Inclusion in FSL Programs
The Importance of Collaboration
Strategies and Considerations for Students with Special Education Needs in FSL
Supporting English Language Learners in FSL
Supporting Inclusion in FSL Programs
The Importance of Collaboration
Strategies and Considerations for Students with Special Education Needs in FSL
Welcoming English Language Learners Into French as A Second Language Programs
Welcoming English Language Learners Into French as A Second Language Programs
Working Together to Improve Students’ Proficiency in FSL through CEFR-inspired Practices
Webcast Phase 1
Part 1: Introduction to the Action-oriented Approach
Part 2: Planning a Learning Cycle
Part 3: Planning a Lesson Based on the Action-oriented Approach
Part 4: Assessment and Moderated Marking
Webcast Phase 2
Part 1: Introduction and Project Context
Part 2: Connections to the CEFR and Compendium of Resources
Part 3: Planning, Context and the Final Task
Part 4: Success Criteria, Sub-tasks and Activities
Part 5: Teaching Strategies and Three-Part Lessons
Part 6: Professional Activities Handbook and Conclusion
Professional Activities Handbook