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Oct/19/23 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT

FSL Virtual Learning Series 2023: L’évaluation en tant qu’apprentissage

Presenter: Ashleigh Mcphee is a FSL educator with Simcoe County District School Board for the past 26 years, working in both elementary and secondary schools. She also served as an OMLTA Board of Director, Vice-President of Modern Languages Council of Ontario, and SCDSB Languages Program Coordinator and DELF Formatrice.

In this webinar, hosted by Ashleigh Mcphee we will share our best strategies, tools, and practices for assessment as learning. She explores and discusses with the attendees on subject matter such as:
How are we effectively gathering and organizing observations and conversations in the classroom?
What are our preferred methods?
Where are our learners in their journey of becoming skilled self-assessors?

Matériel et notes de clavardage liés aux activités d’apprentissage

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