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Oct 2022
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2022: De-streaming in FSL
Presenter: Carlo Di Rienzo, FSL Consultant, YCDSB Carlo’s extensive work in both French Immersion and Core French has helped support and improve student achievement in both the elementary and secondary grades. Authentic tasks, evaluation and a sample lesson will be part of the presentation. In many ways, destreaming in FSL was already happening before it became official. Carlo has also presented on Supporting school administrators in FSL, which was part of the 2020 learning series. Description: As de-streaming is introduced in…
Juil 2023
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2023: Cooperative Learning Strategies
Presenter: Nancy Louis is French as a Second Language District Facilitator with Simcoe County District School Board. Her portfolio includes French Immersion and Core French Grades 1-12. Prior to that she has been teaching French Immersion in Simcoe County for 13 years. Nancy is passionate about Mathematics and has been an Instructional and assessment mathematics facilitator with Simcoe County District School Board, and is involved in the translation of the Math course of study for the French Immersion program. She…
Août 2023
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2023: Backwards Design to Support Language Comprehension in FSL
Presenter: Angeline Humber Angeline Humber is a Teacher Consultant for Greater Essex County District School Board supporting the Early Years (Birth to Age 8) and French as a Second Language (FSL) Programs K-12. She has been an educator for 23 years and has had experience working in Core French and French Immersion classrooms. In her role as Teacher Consultant, Angeline collaborates with colleagues within her Board as well as regionally and provincially to build capacity and advocate for educators, students…
Oct 2023
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2023: Promoting Oral Communication in CF Programs in FSL
Presenter: Andrea Vogan Andrea Vogan is an Instructional Program Leader for FSL in Halton District School Board. She has taught both Core French and French Immersion leading up to her current central role as French Lead for K-8.
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2023: L’évaluation en tant qu’apprentissage
Presenter: Ashleigh Mcphee is a FSL educator with Simcoe County District School Board for the past 26 years, working in both elementary and secondary schools. She also served as an OMLTA Board of Director, Vice-President of Modern Languages Council of Ontario, and SCDSB Languages Program Coordinator and DELF Formatrice. In this webinar, hosted by Ashleigh Mcphee we will share our best strategies, tools, and practices for assessment as learning. She explores and discusses with the attendees on subject matter such…
Mai 2024
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2024: CEFR Practices – The Action-Oriented task to promote Oral interaction in FSL
Join us to explore CEFR practices and action-oriented tasks designed to enhance oral interaction in FSL. About this webinar: Implementing the CEFR in the FSL classroom through the Action-Oriented tasks to promote oral interaction. The webinar will explain language acquisition from the communicative to the Action-Oriented Approach. Participants will learn how the Action-Oriented tasks may look like in the FSL classroom and explore planning and assessment tools. This webinar is hosted by: Nancy Louis, OCT, FSL District Facilitator Grades 1-12…
Juin 2024
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2024: CEFR Practices – Transforming Your Core French Classroom With Actionable CEFR Strategies
Unlock the power of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) to increase meaningful interactions and elevate student proficiency in French across the four strands of the curriculum. Join our workshop to discover practical strategies tailored for the Core French Classroom, empowering educators to use assessment, scaffold instruction, and improve students’ language proficiency and confidence. Presented by: Angeline Humber Teacher Consultant - FSL Greater Essex County District School Board Wendy Bastien CEFR/FSL Special Assignment Teacher Greater Essex County District School…
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2024: CEFR Practices – Literary Cycle and The Importance of Oral Communication
This webinar will focus on the literacy cycle and the importance of oral communication as a foundation in the Core French Classroom. Presenter: Christina Demaray French, Classical and International Languages Facilitator 9- 12 | Conseillère pédagogique
FSL Virtual Learning Series 2024: CEFR Practices – En route vers l’approche actionnelle and the CEFR in Core French programming
Presenter Chris Lauzon will discuss action-oriented learning and tasks that facilitate the application of the French language in real-life scenarios and authentic contexts. This session will review the CEFR principles and provide strategies to progress students toward an A1/A2 level by shifting from the communicative language-learning approach to an action-oriented approach. Presented by: Chris Lauzon Core French Language / French Immersion Consultant Grades 1-8 DSBN District School Board of Niagara